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Nordic Health Talks
Vuosi 2024
Communications Agency of the Year 2024
Finnish Comms Awards Winner
2024, Communication: B2B communication (Indivior & Irti Huumeista ry)
Finnish Comms Awards Nominee 2024, Strategic Communication Consulting & Communication Coaching and Simulations (Koneen Säätiö)
Finnish Comms Awards Nominee 2024, Project communication: Public administrations, educational institutions, organisations, associations (Väylävirasto & Turun kaupunki)
Finnish Comms Awards Nominee 2024, Fundraiser of the year: VaLa ry (Prometheus-leirin tuki ry)
SABRE Awards Nominee 2024, Pharmaceutical: RX, Zero Drug Deaths (Indivior)
SABRE Awards Nominee 2024 & Certificate of Excellence-recognition, Consumer Health, Get to know your kidneys (Boehringer Ingelheim Finland)
Vuosi 2023
Finnish Comms Awards Nominee 2023, Project communication: Public administrations, educational institutions, organizations, associations (Väylävirasto & Destia & Eurajoen kunta)
Vuosi 2022
Finnish Comms Awards Winner 2022, Service and product communication (B2C communication) (Finlandia-talo)
SABRE Awards Nominee 2022, Social Media/Social Networking Campaign (Finlandia-talo)
Vuosi 2021
Finnish Comms Awards Nominee 2021, Public administration and organizations (Väylävirasto, Destia)
Finnish Comms Awards Nominee 2021,
Lifestyle, health and well-being (Helsingin yliopisto, Tampereen yliopisto, SYKE)
SABRE Awards Nominee 2021, Medical Technology (Klinik Healthcare Solutions)
Vuosi 2019
Stevie Awards Bronze Winner 2019 Communication or PR Campaign of the year - Food & Beverage (Subway Franchisee Advertising Fund Trust B.V.)
Finnish Comms Awards Nominee 2019 - Services (Subway Franchisee Advertising Fund Trust B.V.)
SABRE Awards Nominee 2019, Consumer Goods - Food Service (Subway Franchisee Advertising Fund Trust B.V.)
Vuosi 2018
Stevie Awards Silver Winner 2018 Communications or PR Campaign of the Year - Public Service (Liikennevirasto, 1.1.2019 lähtien Väylä))
Stevie Awards Silver Winner 2018 Communications or PR Campaign of the Year - Healthcare (Swedish Orphan Biovitrum)
Vuosi 2017
Stevie Awards Gold Winner 2017 Communications or PR Campaign of the Year - Crisis Communications (Sydänsairaala)
Stevie Awards Silver Winner 2017 Communications or PR Campaign/Program of the Year - Healthcare (Sydänsairaala)
SABRE Awards Certificate of Excellence 2017, Public Education (AbbVie Oy)
Vuosi 2016
IPRA Golden World Awards Finalist 2016, Media Relations (HarperCollins Nordic)
SABRE Awards Certificate of Excellence 2016, Government agencies (Liikennevirasto)
Vuosi 2015
MTL Communications Awards Winner 2015, Public service (Liikennevirasto)
MTL Communications Awards Nominee 2015, Public service (Pfizer)
Pharmaceutical Information Act of the Year 2015, Official recognition of excellence (Pfizer)
Stevie Awards Silver 2015, Marketing Campaign of the Year, Healthcare - Disease Education & Awareness (Pfizer)
IPRA Golden World Awards Finalist 2015, Healthcare (Pfizer)
SABRE Awards Nominee 2015, Guerrilla marketing (Pfizer)
Vuosi 2014
SABRE Awards Certificate of Excellence 2014, International IN2 EMEA PR agency marketing
Stevie Awards Bronze 2014, Communications or PR Campaign of the Year – Reputation/Brand Management (Y-Säätiö)
SABRE Awards Certificate of Excellence 2014, not-for-profit organizations (Y-Säätiö)
Vuosi 2013
Stevie Awards Bronze 2013, PR for Health Products & Services and Pharmaceuticals (LEO Pharma)
SABRE Awards Certificate of Excellence 2013, Multicultural marketing (Specsavers Optikko)
Vuosi 2012
MTL Communications Awards Winner 2012, B2B category (Tekla Oy)
Stevie Awards Bronze 2012, PR for consumer services (Specsavers Optikko)
Stevie Awards Bronze 2012, PR for consumer services (Specsavers Optikko)
SABRE Awards Certificate of Excellence 2012, Nordic region (Diabetesliitto)
Vuosi 2011
Stevie Awards Distinguished honoree 2011, European agency of the year
Stevie Awards Distinguished honoree 2011, Consumer PR (Hotels.com)
SABRE Awards Winner 2011, Travel & tourism (Hotels.com)
Vuosi 2010
Stevie Awards Winner 2010, Public service (Liikennevirasto)
Stevie Awards Distinguished honoree 2010, European agency of the year
Vuosi 2009
SABRE Awards Certificate of excellence 2009, Public service (Liikennevirasto)
Vuosi 2008
European Excellence Nominee 2008, Crisis communication (Helsingin Vesi)
SABRE Awards Certificate of excellence 2008, Nordic region (Helsingin Vesi)
European Excellence Nominee 2008 (Whiskas)
Vuosi 2007
IPRA AWARD Certificate of recognition 2007 (Lappset Group)
SABRE Awards Certificate of excellence 2007, Nordic region (Lappset Group)