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Communicate internationally – What small businesses with international ambitions should know about communication

Are you planning on growing your company internationally?

Or maybe launching a new venture with international growth in mind? 

To get the message across in an international environment, your communication plan needs to live up to your business ambitions.


International communication tends to be tricky. Each market needs a tailored approach, and it’s easy to get lost among all the available options. 


Failed communication plans lead to frustration, stagnated growth, and lost business opportunities. 


Don’t let that happen to your business. Join our webinar Communicate internationally – What small businesses need to know about international communication. 


We’ll take you through the rocky waters of international business communication and talk about

    • Why do so many businesses fail when reaching for international markets.
    • Which are the most common mistakes made in the early stages of international growth.
    • How to avoid those speed bumps.
    • What it takes to set your company up for success from day one.

Thank you to everyone who joined. Don’t worry if you missed a part of it. You can still watch the recording here:

Who are we? Your guides on your journey towards international success


Pauliina Rasi is a communication consultant and copywriter for mission-driven businesses. Her superskill is to turn a company’s mission and message into content that attracts the attention of a wider audience and turns them into clients. 


Eva Torra is international communication and branding expert. She is a real wizard in building purposeful brands and knows how to seamlessly combine business and communication goals. 

Did you see that the waitlist for international communication training is now open?


Pre-register for the waitlist and ensure you’ll be the first to know when we start taking enrollments. 


The communication training and coaching is tailor-made for small businesses and start-ups who either wish to expand on international markets or are launching a business with international growth in mind. 


The training programme will take place in two parts: the first, more theoretical section covers the different elements of a communication plan, and the second part focuses on customising it to meet your unique business goals and needs.

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Ahon Webinaari hybridiviestintä ja -johtaminen

Hybridiviestintä ja -johtaminen

Ahjon kokeneet viestintäkonsultit Laura Vuorio-Kuokka ja Eva Torra keskustelevat ja haastavat webinaarissa seuraavia käsityksiä: Hybridi on työelämän pelastaja, johtaja ei onnistu yksin ja dialogin tavoite ei ole yksimielisyys. Asiantuntijat Laura


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