Ahjo Communications

Ahjo in Finnish means a hot furnace, where metal is molded into new shapes. 

That’s what we do. We are a strategic communications agency with fire. 

Ahjo's story

We are known for strategic communications, thought leadership and crisis management. Our roots go back more than four decades being one of the eldest agency in Finland. Ahjo in Finnish means “a furnace”, where metal is molded into new shapes, and it was launched in 2016.

We are a group of communications professionals and  passionate about changing the way how communications is seen and practised. We see it as a vital strategic capability that is based on authenticity and purpose. Something all thought leaders should have.

Our own values are built around caring, encouraging and beating yesterday. i.

Purposeful communications strategies

Many organisations are yet to cristallise their values, vision and mission, their purpose. At worst this means disconnected personnel with no authentic engagement and poor communications that is seen corporate and cold.


This can be changed through strategic and purposeful communications, which is the key to growth. We can help.

International Networks

Ahjo is the Finnish Affiliate for Weber Shandwick since 1992. We also work with the international PR Network of Golin.

Client experience

We are strong in especially Health, Brands, Technology and Public Sector.


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